Find out how nutrition can affect your horse's health.
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Double Deals
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We have teamed up our most synergistic supplements to give you double the benefits at a great price. Whether you need to support healthy joints, great hoof growth or settle nervousness and anxiety we've got combinations that pack a double punch! |
Stress Relief
- As with humans, stress adversely affects your horse's health, suppressing his immune system, making him susceptible to infection and disease. Likewise, stress affects behaviour and athletic performance. Combine these two products to help relieve stress and anxious behaviour in your horse. Calm Support is high in Magnesium, Thiamine and B vitamins, addressing nutritional deficiencies that can cause anxious behaviour, whilst Omega-3 helps maintain hormonal balance, which can be disrupted by stress.
Calm Support:
MAGNESIUM is a major mineral critical to the normal functioning of skeletal and heart muscle and the nervous system. It is a component of over 300 enzymes in the body. Hypersensitivity and irritability can be indicators of dietary magnesium deficiency. Diets high in calcium can result in a magnesium deficiency, as calcium can compete for absorption in the body.
B Vitamins are important to every cell and organ in the horse's body. B vitamins also work together, so supplementing with a combination of B vitamins is beneficial. A horse exhibiting nervousness, excitability, irritability, or jumpiness may be exhibiting symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency. B vitamin supplementation is recommended for horses being heavily exercised and for those under stress.
Thiamine (Vit B1) - Thiamine is required for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, for DNA and cell replication and for the transmission of nerve impulses. Thiamine can have a calming effect on horses, and symptoms of a thiamine deficiency include nervousness, irritability and excitability.Folic acid (Vit B9) - Adequate levels are vital to the production of normal levels of serotonin in the brain. Folic acid is also required for the normal production of red blood cells, protein metabolism and cell duplication. Heavy exercise causes folic acid levels to drop.
Pyridoxine (Vit B6) - Pyridoxine assists in the production of neurotransmitters in the brain and has a critical function in the use of glycogen in muscle cells. Nervousness or irritability may be a sign of dietary deficiency because of pyridoxine's function in the production of brain chemicals.
Niacin (Vit B3) - Niacin is needed for proper energy production, cholesterol, fatty acid and protein metabolism, DNA replication, cell reproduction and the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Pantothenic acid (Vit B5) - Pantothenic Acid is needed for energy metabolism, the manufacture of steroid hormones and for the chemicals needed in the transmission of nerve impulses.
Riboflavin (Vit B2) - Riboflavin plays a critical role in the generation of energy aerobically, the normal functioning of other B vitamins and is essential to the conversion of tryptophan into niacin.
Calm Support:
20g dose per day for a 500kg horse. This can be doubled if an animal is particularly stressed. As behaviour modifies, reduce dose to a maintenance dose of 20g per day. A 20g scoop is included in the pack. For foals, miniatures and small ponies please download our 'Supplementation Guide for Ponies and Miniatures'Omega-3
Horses 2 scoops per day (30g) Ponies 1 scoop per day (15g) Breeding Stallions 4 scoops per day (60g) Broodmares 4 scoops per day (60g) from 10 days pre-foaling to 52 days postpartum, or for whole lactation period until weaning. -
"Since using Calm Support from eQuus Care Nutrition the difference in my horses is second to none, not only in the ring but in general handling and travelling. They are so much more relaxed and the results speak for themselves". Merrick Ubank, World Cup Showjumper "I have been using your Calm Support for 5 months now and love it to bits, the improvement has been outstanding. I do endurance racing and over the 5 months his energy and calmness is unbelievable...On the weekend we got our first ever podium finish!" Alan W, Endurance Rider.
Laminitis Support
Laminitis is an extremely painful condition and the second most common cause of premature death in horses (through euthanasia). However, with expert care, horses and ponies can recover. Correct nutrition plays a crucial part in this process, and a restricted diet is commonly required. However, it is vital that crucial nutrients that the body needs to repair hoof tissue are provided. Hoof Support provides the key vitamins, minerals and proteins needed to aid recovery.
Devil's Claw is Nature's pain relief and has been used for centuriesfor it's anti-inflammatory properties. In trials in horses Devil's Claw has been found to be as effective as Bute. Improve quality of life while your horse or pony is recovering from laminitis.
100% pure Devil's Claw root powder.
Hoof Support: BIOTIN - has been shown to improve hoof quality in a certain percentage of horses with shelly, brittle feet.The Devil's Claw plant (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a native of South Africa, used for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The active ingredient of Devil's Claw is harpagoside, found in the roots and tubers. Its effectiveness has been found to be comparable with that of cortisone and phenylbutazone. Animal studies suggest that Devil's Claw can help fight inflammation, whilst human trials have seen a reduction in pain, and improved function in people suffering with osteoarthritis and back and neck pain.
PYRIDOXINE - used to synthesise protein into keratin, the major structural component of the hoof.
NIACIN - needed in the body for protein metabolism, important for hoof growth as the hoof wall is over 90% protein.
THIAMINE - a B vitamin which contains sulphur.
SULPHUR -necessary to form strong hooves. Sources of bio available, organic sulphur in HOOF SUPPORT include MSM, methionine, biotin and thiamine.
ZINC - present in high concentration in normal hoof tissue, with an important anti oxidant role in protecting hoof tissue.
COPPER - essential to good health, with an important anti oxidant role in protecting hoof tissue.
METHIONINE, LYSINE, THREONINE - essential amino acids:
the building blocks of the body and the hoof. -
Devil's Claw: 10-20g per day. Do not give to pregnant mares, or horses with suspected stomach ulcers.
Hoof Support: a level 20g scoop treats a 500kg horse. Mix into dampened feed. Adjust amount given based on the weight of the horse or pony.For foals, miniatures and small ponies please download our 'Supplementation Guide for Ponies and Miniatures' - We would love to hear your feedback on this product. Drop us a line here:
What is laminitis?
Laminitis, also known as 'founder' is considered the second biggest killer of horses after colic. > read more
Laminitis in Autumn
We tend to associate Spring with being the worse time for laminitis, but for some horses Autumn can be the more troubling period. > read more
Joint Relief
- Does your horse have a joint injury, joint inflammation or arthritis? Combine two of our powerful supplements to support joint recovery and pain management. Joint Support provides key nutrients and nutraceuticals needed to support the body as it builds and repairs joint tissue, whilst Devil's Claw is a natural herb well known for its anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
100% pure Devil's Claw root powder
The Devil's Claw plant (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a native of South Africa, used for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The active ingredient of Devil's Claw is harpagoside, found in the roots and tubers. Its effectiveness has been found to be comparable with that of cortisone and phenylbutazone. Animal studies suggest that Devil's Claw can help fight inflammation, whilst human trials have seen a reduction in pain, and improved function in people suffering with osteoarthritis and back and neck pain.
Joint Support:
CHONDROITIN SULPHATE is a structural component of joint cartilage. The structure of chondroitin sulphate in cartilage gives cartilage much of its compression resistance, providing shock absorption within the joint. Loss of chondroitin sulphate in cartilage may lead to osteoarthritis.
GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE forms the backbone of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), the building blocks of cartilage and other connective tissue.
MSM is a source of the mineral sulphur, required for the formation of cross-bridges between collagen molecules. These add strength and stability to the structure of collagen rich ligaments, tendons and joint tissues. Glucosamine functions better when there is an adequate source of sulphur.
MANGANESE is a trace mineral that is required by the body for the production of chondroitin sulphates, important in maintaining normal joint cartilage and repairing cartilage. Dietary deficiencies of manganese may result in the abnormal development of bones and joints, and impaired ability to make and repair joint cartilage.
COPPER is a trace mineral which is required for the production of normal connective tissue, including tendons, ligaments and cartilage joint lining. Copper deficiency has been indicated in developmental bone disease, including osteochondrosis dessicans. Dietary deficiency of copper may result in bone and joint disease, and tendon and ligament problems.
ZINC is a trace mineral needed in bone and joint health. Zinc is part of antioxident enzymes in the body which neutralise free radicals before they can damage normal body tissue. -
Joint Support: One level scoop (30g) treats a 500kg horse. Adjust the amount given based on the weight of the horse or pony.
For foals, miniatures and small ponies please download our 'Supplementation Guide for Ponies and Miniatures'Devil's Claw: 10-20g per day. Do not give to pregnant mares, or horses with suspected stomach ulcers.
- We would love to hear your feedback on this product. Drop us a line here:
Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate and Equine Osteoarthritis
Recent research suggests that "supplemental glucosamine or chondroitin sulphate may help to prevent cartilage degeneration and treat OA (osteoarthritis)" > read more
Developmental Orthopaedic Disease: Physitis
In an attempt to meet specific demands, load-bearing structures have faltered and suffered accordingly. Hence, we are now presented with an array of anatomical problems that require investigation. > read more
What is OCD?
OCD, or Osteochondritis Dissecans is a developmental orthopaedic disease that is relatively common, and can affect any horse breed. > read more
3 big hitters in the fight against osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition in which there is progressive degeneration of one or more joints. Symptoms include joint swelling, pain, instability, restrictions in movement and functional impairment. > read more
Hoof Builder
- Want a better hoof? Combine two of the best supplements for hoof growth: Hoof Support and Omega-3. Hoof Support has the key vitamins, minerals and proteins needed to build a strong, healthy hoof. Our Omega-3 product is a no mess, easy solution to supplementing this essential fatty acid - it's a dry powder, simply mix into dampened feed. Omega-3's are needed for healthy hoof tissue - and you'll also get the benefit of a shiny coat!
- Hoof Support Ingredients:
BIOTIN - has been shown to improve hoof quality in a certain percentage of horses with shelly, brittle feet.
PYRIDOXINE - used to synthesise protein into keratin, the major structural component of the hoof.
NIACIN - needed in the body for protein metabolism, important for hoof growth as the hoof wall is over 90% protein.
THIAMINE - a B vitamin which contains sulphur.
SULPHUR -necessary to form strong hooves. Sources of bio available, organic sulphur in HOOF SUPPORT include MSM, methionine, biotin and thiamine.
ZINC - present in high concentration in normal hoof tissue, with an important anti oxidant role in protecting hoof tissue.
COPPER - essential to good health, with an important anti oxidant role in protecting hoof tissue.
METHIONINE, LYSINE, THREONINE - essential amino acids:
the building blocks of the body and the hoof. -
Hoof Support: A level 20g scoop treats a 500kg horse. Mix into dampened feed. Adjust amount given based on the weight of the horse or pony.
For foals, miniatures and small ponies please download our 'Supplementation Guide for Ponies and Miniatures'.
Horses 2 scoops per day (30g) Ponies 1 scoop per day (15g) Breeding Stallions 4 scoops per day (60g) Broodmares 4 scoops per day (60g) from 10 days pre-foaling to 52 days postpartum, or for whole lactation period until weaning. -
"Who says hoof supplements don't work....? I knew Hoof Support was good for them, but I didn't think it would have made this big a difference!" Cat S, Tas, commenting on the 2 month's of improved new growth, clearly visible in her horse's hoof. -
Feeding the hoof: Protein
The equine hoof is very metabolically active tissue: it needs to be continually replaced as the lowest section is rubbed away by contact with the ground. > read more
Feeding the hoof: Vitamins
The principal vitamins involved in healthy hoof growth are the B group vitamins. These are: Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic Acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folic Acid (B9), and Cyanocobalamin (B12). > read more
Feeding the horse: Minerals
Four minerals in particular affect the hoof: sulphur, zinc, copper and selenium. > read more
Copper, zinc and white line disease
White Line Disease can make horses sore and can lead to severe lameness, abscessing and even bone erosion if left untreated. > read more
The ABCs of EFAs
EFA isn't another equestrian governing body, it stands for Essential Fatty Acids. These are the polyunsaturated 'good' fats that the body needs for various metabolic processes. > read more
Joint Builder
- Combine our best Joint Supplements to build and protect your horse's ligaments, tendons and connective tissues. Joint Support provides high therapeutic levels of MSM, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, Manganese, Copper and Zinc, while our Omega-3 product is an easy-to-use, no mess, dry powder - a simple way to supplement this essential fatty acid.
Joint Support:
CHONDROITIN SULPHATE is a structural component of joint cartilage. The structure of chondroitin sulphate in cartilage gives cartilage much of its compression resistance, providing shock absorption within the joint. Loss of chondroitin sulphate in cartilage may lead to osteoarthritis.
GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE forms the backbone of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), the building blocks of cartilage and other connective tissue.
MSM is a source of the mineral sulphur, required for the formation of cross-bridges between collagen molecules. These add strength and stability to the structure of collagen rich ligaments, tendons and joint tissues. Glucosamine functions better when there is an adequate source of sulphur.
MANGANESE is a trace mineral that is required by the body for the production of chondroitin sulphates, important in maintaining normal joint cartilage and repairing cartilage. Dietary deficiencies of manganese may result in the abnormal development of bones and joints, and impaired ability to make and repair joint cartilage.
COPPER is a trace mineral which is required for the production of normal connective tissue, including tendons, ligaments and cartilage joint lining. Copper deficiency has been indicated in developmental bone disease, including osteochondrosis dessicans. Dietary deficiency of copper may result in bone and joint disease, and tendon and ligament problems.
ZINC is a trace mineral needed in bone and joint health. Zinc is part of antioxident enzymes in the body which neutralise free radicals before they can damage normal body tissue.
Joint Support: One level scoop (30g) treats a 500kg horse.
For foals, miniatures and small ponies please download our 'Supplementation Guide for Ponies and Miniatures'Omega-3
Horses 2 scoops per day (30g) Ponies 1 scoop per day (15g) Breeding Stallions 4 scoops per day (60g) Broodmares 4 scoops per day (60g) from 10 days pre-foaling to 52 days postpartum, or for whole lactation period until weaning. - We would love to hear your feedback on this product. Drop us a line here:
Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate and Equine Osteoarthritis
Recent research suggests that "supplemental glucosamine or chondroitin sulphate may help to prevent cartilage degeneration and treat OA (osteoarthritis)" > read more
Developmental Orthopaedic Disease: Physitis
In an attempt to meet specific demands, load-bearing structures have faltered and suffered accordingly. Hence, we are now presented with an array of anatomical problems that require investigation. > read more
What is OCD?
OCD, or Osteochondritis Dissecans is a developmental orthopaedic disease that is relatively common, and can affect any horse breed. > read more
3 big hitters in the fight against osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition in which there is progressive degeneration of one or more joints. Symptoms include joint swelling, pain, instability, restrictions in movement and functional impairment. > read more
The ABCs of EFAs
EFA isn't another equestrian governing body, it stands for Essential Fatty Acids. These are the polyunsaturated 'good' fats that the body needs for various metabolic processes. > read more